Animal Care Facility

The Boston College Animal Facility is committed to providing humane care for animals while assisting Principle Investigators in their research pursuits.


  • Procuring animals
  • Animal Husbandry, including feeding, watering and maintaining a clean cage environment
  • Daily health surveillance of animals as well as routine, periodic testing for common diseases
  • Providing cages, racks, feed, water, cage cards and certain equipment
  • Maintenance of facility and certain equipment
  • Training for PIs, technicians, work study students and anyone handling the animals
  • Euthanasia
  • Carcass disposal (non-radioactive only)
  • Animal records and information

Facility Animal Care Office: 617-552-6208

Todd Gaines, Veterinary Technician
Jian Lu, Senior Animal Care Technician
Nicole Bruce, Animal Care Technician

Nancy McGilloway, Animal Care Facility Manager
Phone: 617-552-8476
Erin Sibley, Director for Research Protections (

James G. Fox, DVM ACLAM, Attending Veterinarian

Before using the ACF or any equipment, researchers must meet with Nancy McGilloway to complete training, an Occupational Health questionnaire, and receive IACUC approval. Please contact Nancy McGilloway to initiate this process. IACUC forms can be accessed here and researchers may contact with questions.

To initiate a training request, please login to iLab with your BC credentials.


Facility Per Diem Rates


Equipment available in the ACF:

  • E-Z Anesthesia machine (2)
  • NuAire biosafety cabinet  (room 1913)
  • Baker biosafety cabinet (room 1926)
  • Surgery rooms (A&B)


To reserve space/equipment:

Approved ACF research personnel must email Todd Gaines for training (

Once training is complete, the individual will be given an invite to the Google calendar used for reserving shared equipment.

Please note that all work performed in BC core facilities and recharge centers should always be appropriately acknowledged.  If you are publishing or presenting data acquired in BC core facilities and recharge centers, please include the following statement in the Acknowledgement section of your manuscript/poster/presentation, "The authors would like to thank the Boston College for assistance with the work presented in this paper/poster/presentation*."
* Delete as appropriate